Dodge Truck For Sale Page 100
For Sale: 1983 Dodge D250 Service Truck $2500 OBO

James 1983 Dodge truck starts, runs, is registered and insured. It is quiet like a mouse. Sometimes when James tries to start it, it is already running. The tools don't go with it. It has a 318 with a 4 speed. Granny low.

James is asking $2500 for his 1983 Dodge D250. If interested you can contact him at:
jamiefishon@gmail.com or call 530 623-8556. The truck is located in Big Bar, California near Redding.
Do you want to sell your truck? Please email me pictures along with a description of your vehicle including the price you want to get for it, and I will add it to the Dodge Truck For Sale page.
Joe Leonard 2019-10-21