Gallery Page 13
Jeremy's 79 D100
Jeremy and his brother inherited this 78 D100 1/2 ton 2WD truck from their grandfather. They have started to restore it. Right now it is in a "trillion pieces". They plan to restore it from the ground up and make it better than new. They have taken the frame down to nothing twice and still aren't happy so will try it a third time. It came stock with a slant 6 but someone over the years put in a 318 with a 727 transmission. They have since removed that. Plans include a 496 Big Block, 727 transmission and an 8 3/4 sure grip rear with 4.56 gears. We are looking forward to posting pictures of your completed project!

Are you proud of your Dodge truck or car? Want to show it off? Please email me a pic along with a description of your vehicle and I will add it to the Gallery.
Joe Leonard 2007-02-09