Gallery Page 27
Keith's 2 Year Project
Keith bought this 1979 Trailduster in Arizona and it only had 107,000 miles on it. He drove it home to Texas with no problems! The motor ran strong (as all Mopars do). Since the truck was from Arizona it had no rust on it. Keith started tearing into it right away and two years later...not to mention lots of money later...here are the results. Everything is new and he gets lots of looks when he is driving it. Nice Job Keith!
UPDATE: Keith has redone the interior and added 2" of lift to the body to clear the tires. He will be sending some new pics for us to add to this site shortly. Keith is also thinking about selling this beauty!

Are you proud of your Dodge truck or car? Want to show it off? Please email me a pic along with a description of your vehicle and I will add it to the Gallery.

Joe Leonard 2007-01-06