Gallery Page 132
Brian Beever's Big Blue Billy Goat

Brian's Dad gave him his first truck when he turned 16. It is a 1991 Power Ram 150 with a 318. All of his buddies call it, "The Big Blue Billy Goat".
Brian added a 4 inch lift and 33 inch tires. When Brian gets more time and money he plans on adding an 8 inch lift with 38 inch Boggers, a Dana 60 in the front and rear, and a crate 360 engine. He would like to convert it to fuel injection, rebuild the tranny, and give it a new paint job.
For more information about Brian's truck you can reach him at:

Are you proud of your Dodge truck or car? Want to show it off? Please email me a pic along with a description of your vehicle and I will add it to the Gallery.
Joe Leonard 2008-04-08