Gallery Page 242
Lloyd Cooper's 1958 D100 Dodge Truck

Lloyd's father bought this 1958 D100 truck in 1968 at Travis AFB near Fairfield CA. Lloyd and his dad were in the service together and they used it as a second vehicle. It would sit at the flightline waiting for them while they were gone.
It has a 1956 Dodge Coronet Custom Royal 315 Polyhead engine with a Loadflight Push Button transmission. The engine was rebuilt around 1968 by Performance Engines in Fairfield, CA. The truck has been from coast to coast pulling a 19 foot Aristocraft inboard boat. It became the tow vehicle for the old Merc back in 1989.

To learn more about Lloyd Coopers Dodge truck you can email him at:
Are you proud of your Dodge truck or car? Want to show it off? Please email me a pic along with a description of your vehicle and I will add it to the Gallery.
Joe Leonard 2011-04-04